To enter, shoppers must accumulate sales receipts totaling $500 from stores in Downtown Petoskey dated March 1, 2009, to June 1, 2009. Entrants place the receipts in special envelopes available at stores in the downtown and at the Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce downtown office and then turn them in at the chamber office.
The winner will be announced at the Downtown Petoskey Spring Open House, June 5, 2009. Entrants need not be present to win.
The Downtown Treasure Certificate program will be launched at he Spring Open House.
These new Downtown gift certificates have no connection at all with the former Certificheck program run by the Chamber of Commerce. That program was administered by an out-of-state company that had financial problems this winter and stopped honoring the checks. The Petoskey Chamber, like many other local chambers throughout Michigan that had offered the Certificheck program, has since agreed to honor the checks if redeemed through Chamber member merchants.
The Downtown Treasure Certificate program, unlike the Certifichecks, will be run locally by the Petoskey Downtown Management Board and all the funds will be kept here.
The contest sounds like it will be a lot of fun and the Downtown Treasure Certificates should be a real convenience for all people who shop in our friendly and unique downtown shops.
More good news -- Downtown Petoskey will run a second similar contest later this year from September 1 through December 1 with the winner being announced at the Holiday Open House.
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